About us

We are a research team made up of representatives from collaborating organizations: Femmes Autochtones du Québec Native Women, La Société Elizabeth Fry du Québec, Concordia University, and McGill University. The research was conducted by the core research team: Dr. Felice Yuen, Wanda Gabriel, and Dr. Elizabeth Fast. Important contributions were also made by Aleksandra Zajko, Brittany Weisgarber, Vicky Boldo, Nina Segalowitz, Pamela Gabriel-Ferland, Véronique Picard, Rowena Tam, Carole Muriithi, Nicole Fornelli, Reem Ramadan, Jeremy Tomlinson, Mel Lefebvre, Gabrielle Lamouche, and Sheri Pranteau.

Our team recognises the historical implications of research relating to Indigenous communities, including betrayal, exploitation, abuse, abuse of trust, and a lack of respect and dignity (Kovach, 2009; Mihesuah, 1998; Tuhiwai Smith, 1999). Therefore, we intended to ensure that our process was guided by Indigenous ways of knowing and being. Our team is made up of Indigenous people with lived experience, who represent the diversity that exists amongst the distinct cultural groups of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples. Wanda Gabriel, Pamela Gabriel-Ferland, Jeremy Tomlinson, and Gabrielle Lamouche are Kaniekeha'Ke; Vicky Boldo is a Cree, Coast Salish, and Métis Elder; Nina Segalowitz is Inuk and Dene; Sheri Pranteau is Oji-Cree; Elizabeth Fast is Métis; and Véronique Picard is Wendat. Their diverse identities and experiences helped shape the research processes and delivery. This diversity also meant that the Indigenous women who participated in the project were able to identify with members of the research team. Furthermore, the diversity amongst our team also gave space for the different traditions and experiences of various First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples to emerge during the research and we adapted our processes along the way to incorporate these learnings. Our guiding values are respect, trust, balance, and fairness. Building relationships based on reciprocity, mutuality, and respect was a priority for our team. These values aimed to develop trust, safety, and culturally appropriate, respectful, and meaningful processes.